SEL classes focus on sustainability. Key concepts are expanded and strengthened through Environmental Leadership Seminar (Seminar), a core class for SEL students. In Seminar, SEL students complete semester-long projects, including Leadership in Environmental Action Development (LEAD) Projects, and Sustainable Enterprise business plans that build on project management skills. All freshmen, sophomore, and junior SEL students take Seminar. Seniors focus on their environmentally-focused internships.

9th Grade Required SEL Courses
Biology English Geography
P.E./Health Seminar

Freshman Seminar focuses on two (2) scientific research papers and two (2) LEAD Projects. Additionally, students focus on public speaking, project planning and management, and effective communication skills.


10th Grade Required SEL Courses
English World History Seminar

Sophomore Seminar focuses on one (1) extended LEAD Project, Earth Week (event preparation, planning, coordination, and execution), on becoming skilled environmental education camp leaders, and Portfolio Defense.


11th Grade Required SEL Courses
Engineering AP United States History Seminar

Junior Seminar focuses on Sustainable Enterprise Development and Implementation, Autodesk Inventor Training, green technology design, and academic and professional communications development.


12th Grade Required SEL Courses
Economics & AP Government Environmental Internship

Seniors, in addition to the required courses listed, focus on a year-long environmentally-focused internship. Senior Internships are made possible thanks to a partnership with College of Marin, a local college in Marin. Seniors receive college credit for a completed internship.

Additional Required Courses:

In addition to the required courses listed above, SEL students must take AP Environmental Science in either 11th or 12th grade. In lieu of AP Environmental Science students may take two (2) full years (or four (4) semesters) of an AP Science, including AP Physics, AP Biology, or AP Chemistry.