We believe a balanced emphasis on rigorous academics, environmental stewardship, creative arts and service to community creates a vibrant learning environment and prepares our youth for engaging as passionate and respectful participants in our ever-changing global community.
While we acknowledge the inherent value of mastering reading and math skills, we believe these skills are enhanced by immersing students in complex, engaging literature and encouraging them to take on culturally relevant, community-based projects where they can put these skills to work.

“We must make sure that our schools have a strong, coherent, explicit curriculum that is grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, with plenty of opportunity for children to engage in activities and projects that make learning lively. We must be sure they are prepared for the responsibilities of democratic citizenship in a complex society.” 1
Interested in The SEL model for your own school or district? We would love to answer your questions!
Email us at marinsel@thesel.org.