Earth Week

Largely accredited to a blooming environmental awareness sparked by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, and following numerous industrial environmental disasters, the first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22nd, 1970. Millions of people throughout the nation, often centered around student-organized campus rallies, publicly voiced their support for global environmental protection. This call to action helped lead the way for the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in December of that year. 

After exploring the history and impact of Earth Day, MarinSEL students organize Terra Linda High School’s annual Earth Week Celebration events with games, activities, food, and local environmental organizations to raise awareness. Each day of that week, the sophomores organize stands during lunch to teach high schoolers about water use, climate change, green technology, sustainable food and more.


Learn more in this press release written for the 2015 Earth Week Festivities:

It’s All About Earth Week at Terra Linda High Schoo

By Juliana, MarinSEL Class of 2017                                                                       

At Terra Linda High School, Earth Day is not just any day. Within the Marin School of Environmental Leadership (MarinSEL) program, the sophomore students are currently busy at work planning an exciting and fun-filled week, April 20-24, culminating with a Friday Earth Day celebration.

There is much to be done in order to have a successful Earth Week. The students are reaching out to the local community to provide food or educate the student body on the services they have to offer.  One group is advertising for Earth Week to inform both staff and students at Terra Linda. Each day of Earth Week has been set aside for a certain topic. On Monday, Food and Aquaponics will be presented. Tuesday, Urban Planning and Design will be explored. Wednesday is set-aside for Biomimicry. Then on Thursday, the focus is on Environmental Colleges and Careers. Finally, Friday is the big Earth Day celebration. Among the featured activities for Friday are local green business booths, resident band Phoenix Uprising performances, a showcase of the Junior MSEL Engineering class’s chicken coops, and a green car show. The theme of Earth Week is: The Future is NOW, as we highlight green technology throughout the week.

Earth Week is open to the Terra Linda community, both high school and beyond. Festivities will take place during lunchtime through April 20-24. On Friday, the Earth Day celebration will take place from 12:15pm-12:55pm in the school’s quad.